After finals were over, Sullivan came to visit! It was a much needed break for her, and a very very welcome guest for me. She needed a little bit of the Irish slow life put into her life. We ate out, cooked dinner, and enjoyed the market. We went to Dublin, the Aran Islands, and the Cliffs of Moher. Each of which I had done before, as you know, but we did something a little different at each.
According to John Jameson, Sullivan and I are certified whiskey tasters. I must admit, Jameson was my favorite and not just because we took the tour. Some souvenir shopping, a quick trip to the museum, and the typical tourist stops around town; we were back on the bus to Galway.
We bought tickets to go to Innishmaan, but as most Irish things are slightly unorganized, didn't get off at the right ferry stop. So we went to Innishorr instead, the small island. The rain held off so we biked around the island stopping for lunch by the sea, at the graveyard, shipwreck, lighthouse, and of course the white sandy beach.
Some poor planning let us stay in Galway the next day, enjoying one of my typical rainy afternoons eating treats, walking around, shopping, and watching a movie in the apartment.

Cliffs of Moher the last day in Galway. Everyone has to do it when they go to Ireland. I didn't mind seeing it for a third time. Its still amazing. And in a week from today, I won't mind seeing the Cliffs for a fourth time. The flowers had finally started to bloom and the grass was green, so it was whole new tour to me (almost). I sadly put Sullivan on a bus the next morning. Luckily, she took home a huge bag of my stuff. Less stuff for me to carry home.
I was happy to have such a great friend here to share what I've been doing for the past 5 months. She met my friends, saw the sites, and hung out at the pubs. Neither of us had a care in the world for those 5 days. We talked and laughed, ate and drank and it could not have been any better.
My days left here are shrinking, and with each day that passes, I love Galway more and more. the days are getting longer. The sun doesn't set until at least 10 pm, which makes you want to stay outside by the water all night long. Yesterday, we played Bananagrams and ate pizza by the water. Took a little break to change then headed over to Shop Street for a Bulmers. Burritos for dinner and a walk to the pier. My friends and I walked together and sat on the edge by the water, not talking really, just taking in the sights. We have been here for 5 months and its finally coming to an end. We've met great people who have made this time here so special. We live in a city where everyone wants to be. People are swarming, and as we walked back into town to have one last pint of Guinness with our friend Tara who was leaving, it felt like Summer. The tourists were out, strolling along enjoying every one of the street performers. The tons of locals came out from no where. It was like a block party, with plastic cups of beer and music. You couldn't even walk through the streets without running right into someone Irish. It felt like it was really finally summer, which made me never want to leave this place.
Rihanna tickets are bought for Wednesday in Dublin with Emily and Pat.
Surfing on Monday in Sligo if the surf is good.
One last market today.
Silent Disco Part II tonight!
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